Welcome to the Trivia Disco homepage!
Trivia Disco is a trivia bot that runs in your Discord server. Create an account to get started.
Easy Discord Integration
- Register a new account
- Create a Connection granting the Trivia Disco bot access to your Discord server via secure OAuth2 flow
- Start/Stop the bot from this site with a single click
- Over 250,000 curated trivia questions
- Uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Humanizer to improve accuracy of matching guesses to the correct answer
- Setup is simple, only requiring a few clicks from this site
- Track daily, weekly, and alltime high scores
- See player-specific stats (guess accuracy, best category, etc.)
- Responds to chat commands using the "!command" syntax from your Discord channel
- Giphy API integration will occasionally post a random .gif when a player wins a round
- Configurable (rounds per session, session frequency, etc.)
- Prompts the round winner to choose the next category
- Provides hints if nobody has gotten the right answer and time is running out
- Join the public Trivia Disco server in Discord to try it out
- $FREE! Buy me a beer if you're feeling generous.